Wednesday, 25 March 2009

The molars have shifted

A strange thing happened when I got home last night - my back teeth no longer align properly so I'm back to talking a little strange. It's really hard to get my top front teeth to touch my bottom ones because the molars are getting in the way.

I think this is happening because of the way In-ovation C (or any frictionless brace) works. To make room in the mouth (which therefore avoids any extractions) the arch of the teeth becomes wider. Obviously, to make the arch wider the wire needs to pull the back teeth outwards. This is what creates the wider smile that the marketers refer to - i.e. you'll see more of my (back) teeth when I smile.

What seems to have happened is that the top and bottom arches are moving at different paces, so they don't align properly and they're not creating a normal bite. I'm sure that eventually the other arch will catch up, but in the meantime it feels really odd when I talk.

And yet again, I can't believe how quickly it happens - the "clicks" of the moving teeth have started again (when I push my tongue against my teeth, some of them make a little click as they move) but the overall head pain from yesterday has now gone, which is good.

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