Monday 23 November 2009

Almost nine months now

I've been a bit rubbish at this blog thing, but just to say they have moved so quickly that I'm a little shocked and in awe of modern orthodontics! My top arch is completely straight and can have the wire off. In fact, they've been straight for about 8 weeks now whilst I wait for the bottom row to sort itself out, and then I'll have all the braces removed at the same time.

Frustratingly, there is only one tooth that is holding the whole thing up - it is stubborn beyond belief and will not turn in like it should. One tooth, that's all I'm waiting on.

I have what is hopefully my penultimate appointment tonight - my dentist is going to try moving the position of the bracket on the offending tooth to see if changing the angle will help. It better had. I'm sick of these things! I've had stacks of IDS (inter dontal shaving, I think) which is some strange little machine that takes away miniscule amounts of the enamal to provide space. It didn't hurt but made my ears feel funny.

I'm used to the braces now, but at the same time very much looking forward to not being conscious about my teeth for the first time in almost 20 years! Oh, and I really want a glass of red wine.

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